Cleantech & EV'sNews

Harley-Davidson’s Serial 1 unveils new electric mountain bike, this time with suspension

Serial 1, the electric bicycle brand spun off from Harley-Davidson’s own internal e-bike development, has just unveiled its new SWITCH/MTN electric mountain bike. The announcement comes just a few short weeks after the brand unveiled its BASH/MTN e-bike. The BASH/MTN used a similar-looking frame design to the rest of Serial 1’s e-bikes. While the shared frame design created with hydroformed…
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Cleantech & EV'sNews

Tesla launches its own insurance based on real-time driver data in Nevada with more states to come

Tesla Insurance, the automaker’s growing insurance division, has launched its real-time driver data insurance product in Nevada. It is now available in eight states, plus California but without real-time driver data, and there’s evidence that several more states are coming. Tesla Insurance expansion Tesla updated its website to note that its real-time data insurance product is now available…
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Cleantech & EV'sNews

Check out this solar + green hydrogen mobile nanogrid with a level 2 EV charger

Jackson, Michigan-based Sesame Solar is today unveiling what it claims is the world’s first fully renewable mobile nanogrid – that’s a small microgrid – that runs on solar and green hydrogen. Solar + green hydrogen nanogrid The nanogrid’s solar array is electronically unfolded, and it’s ready to start generating power within 15 minutes. The company claims it can be set up by a single…
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Cleantech & EV'sNews

Sony and Honda create joint EV company, and Sony gets top billing

Sony and Honda have officially signed a joint venture agreement to establish a company to build electric cars together. The new company will be called “Sony Honda Mobility Inc.,” notably giving Sony top billing over the established automaker. The company will also focus on “mobility services,” building on Sony’s January announcement of the formation of “Sony Mobility, Inc.” Sony…
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