
Drone killing Marines: Corps seeks ‘buckshot-like’ counter-drone gear

The Marines are looking for weapons-mounted gear and ammo that can detect and blast drones out of the sky with “buckshot-like” capability. Marine Corps Systems Command posted a request for information from industry on July 15 seeking white papers on how developers would provide sensing, detection, defensive and offensive ways to counter drone threats at the Marine squad and platoon-level. A…
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UK signs $227 million contract with Thales for new Martlet missiles

LONDON — The British Ministry of Defence has signed a contract with Thales U.K. to procure “Martlet” missiles for replenishing the country’s stocks after donating hundreds of them to Ukraine. UK Defense Equipment & Support, the defense ministry’s procurement arm, announced the new order, valued at $227 million, on the sidelines of the Farnborough International Airshow here. “The…
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The US Navy risks outsourcing control of its drones

Thanks to programs like Replicator, and incubators like the Defense Innovation Unit and the Disruptive Capabilities Office, the Navy is on the precipice of widespread adoption of uncrewed systems. These systems bring with them the prospect of new technologies, new…

Boeing says it will shun fixed-price contracts for drone wingmen

FARNBOROUGH AIR SHOW — A top Boeing executive said Monday the company plans to keep bidding to make drone wingmen for the Air Force — but not if it means agreeing to a fixed-price contract. “If it’s a fixed-price development program that requires a ton of maturity … that is a recipe for failure,” Ted Colbert, president and chief executive at Boeing Defense, Space and Security, told…
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US Air Force, Boeing reach deal on prototype E-7

RAF FAIRFORD, England — The Air Force has reached an agreement with Boeing to build the first rapid prototype E-7 battle management aircraft, Air Force Secretary Frank Kendall told reporters here over the weekend. The terms of the contract are not yet settled, but should…

Navy missile intercepts target using Army’s new missile defense radar

A U.S. Navy Standard Missile-6, guided by the U.S. Army’s new missile defense radar and command and control system, intercepted a target in a recent test during Valiant Shield 24 in the Indo-Pacific, Raytheon announced in a July 18 statement. In the test involving both physical hardware and simulation, the Army’s Lower-Tier Air and Missile Defense Sensor, or LTAMDS, simulator provided threat…
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