
Android 12 DP2: Media player UI now uses system accent color

With the drop of the Android 12 Developer Preview 12, Google is changing the media player UI accent color to match your system theme rather than any content playing. While not a massive change at first glance, it changes the prominence of certain portions of your device. Changes will be most prominently noticed on your lockscreen, where a change looks the starkest. Android 12 DP1 actually…
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Cleantech & EV'sNews

Foxconn may (or may not) produce EVs at its Wisconsin facility

Taiwanese electronics manufacturer Foxconn recently revealed it is considering its Wisconsin facility to produce its first electric vehicle. The international electronics juggernaut is strategizing for contract manufacturing of electric vehicles in North America. The company’s president recently told the media that Foxconn is debating between its Wisconsin facility or one of its plants in Mexico…
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Cleantech & EV'sNews

VW (VWAGY) surges in TSLA-like run on the stock market due to its EV strategy

VW is having some incredible success on the stock market reminiscent of Tesla and its EV strategy. For a long time, Volkswagen has been considered a blue-chip stock, though it went through some significant struggles around 2015 following the Dieselgate scandal. It always was one of the biggest and most valuable automakers trailing only behind Toyota until Tesla surpassed everyone. Some other…
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SNK launches Neo Geo Pocket Color Selection Vol. 1 for Switch

SNK has revealed and launched the Neo Geo Pocket Color Selection Vol. 1 for the Switch, which includes 10 games from the beloved portable system. It is available in the Nintendo eShop now, and a physical version is coming in the future. The Neo Geo Pocket Color launched in 1999. Although it couldn’t compete with Nintendo’s Game Boy Color, the few fans that the console attracted still hold the…
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