Cleantech & EV'sNews

This new innovation boosts wind farm energy output yet costs nothing

Scientists have come up with a way to make wind farms more energy efficient, and it doesn’t require new investment. Wind turbines are controlled as freestanding units and only maximize their own power production, but the wake of each wind turbine impacts each other. MIT’s Esther and Harold E. Edgerton assistant professor of civil and environmental engineering Michael F. Howland…
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How to use Flex Mode on the Galaxy Z Flip and Z Fold

So you’re the proud owner of one of Samsung’s foldables. Look at you, you early adopter! There are obviously a few more ways to use your phone than a typical slab-style phone, and that’s probably why you bought one. Flex Mode is one of those features. That’s basically just a term for whenever you use the phone’s main screen folded halfway. It’s most useful if you want to set the phone…
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Hypnotic Photos Show the Flight Paths of Birds and Bats

Lockdown Vultures (Moab Slope) Stifled by lockdown, photographer Doris Mitsch began to look up for inspiration and started photo-stacking bird flight paths with the editing sometimes taking her days to finish. “The photos take hours and hours and hours to edit.

My Friend’s Smartphone Took a Photo That Rivals My Full-Frame Camera

Left: Photo taken with a Samsung Galaxy S22. Right: Photo taken with a 5D Mark III. For the last several years, manufacturers have repeatedly blamed smartphones as the reason the camera market has collapsed so spectacularly, and a recent experience has me now fully understanding this. Last weekend, I attended the Southport skate jam and because the weather in England is unusually…
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Samsung Galaxy Z Fold 4 and Flip 4 pre-orders could arrive early as shipping process begins

It’s only been two days since Samsung officially unveiled the Galaxy Z Fold 4 and Galaxy Z Flip 4, with a release date set for August 26. However, pre-orders for the Galaxy Z Fold 4 and Flip 4 are already starting to move toward shipping, hinting at an early arrival. Early pre-orders that managed to evade Samsung’s day-one website issues are already making progress on shipment. We noticed…
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