
Save $120 on a 32-inch Dell QHD monitor

If you’re looking for a new desktop screen, Amazon has a compelling offer on a Dell monitor. The company’s S3219D is currently $179.99, down from $299.99. It features a 32-inch VA panel with QHD 2560 x 1440 resolution. Additionally, it comes with 5W speakers and a variety of HDMI, DisplayPort and USB ports for a good spread of connectivity options. It also features 99 percent sRGB…
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AI & RoboticsNews

Intel wants to use AI to reconnect damaged spinal nerves

AI’s use in medicine could soon extend to one of the medical world’s toughest challenges: helping the paralyzed regain movement. Intel and Brown University have started work on a DARPA-backed Intelligent Spine Interface project that would use AI to restore movement and bladder control for those with serious spinal cord injuries. The two-year effort will have scientists capture motor…
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AI & RoboticsNews

Waycare raises $7.25 million to improve city traffic using AI and big data

Big data and machine learning have emerged as fundamental tools for companies and cities looking to unlock insights into people and places, enabled by the myriad connected devices that now permeate society. Companies such as PredictHQ leverage data from global events to help companies like Uber and airlines forecast demand, while fellow San Francisco startup Streetlight Data aggregates mobile app…
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AI & RoboticsNews

Intel and Brown University researchers embark on two-year project to bridge spinal cord breaks using AI

It’s estimated that over 17,500 new spinal cord injuries occur each year in the U.S., meaning 54 people out of every million Americans experience one. Recovering from those injuries predictably isn’t easy. Patients regain the majority of function within the first six months after the injury, but any remaining loss present after a year is much more likely to become permanent. (Over 30% of…
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