Cleantech & EV'sNews

Tesla (TSLA) leads battery cell cost by wide margin, according to new report

Tesla appears to have a significant lead when it comes to battery cell cost compared to the rest of the auto industry, according to a new report. Battery cell and pack cost is often seen as the main target for optimization in order to lower the cost of electric vehicles. Since automakers rely on suppliers to get the battery cells, some would think that battery costs are similar across the…
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Adobe Unveils Photoshop for Apple Silicon and ‘Super Resolution’ for ACR

Adobe has shipped the first version of Photoshop that can run natively on Macs equipped with Apple Silicon and also has announced a new feature for Adobe Camera Raw (ACR) called “Super Resolution” that is available today. Adobe Photoshop with Native Apple Silicon Support According to internal tests, Adobe says that this build of Photoshop with native support for Apple Silicon showed…
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The Little Camera That Can: Pocketing the Fuji X70

I bought a used Fujifilm X70 online last year during the UK lockdown. For quite a while I’d been wanting a camera that I could pocket. No case, no fluff, just pocket. The criteria was that simple. Such a camera would be unnoticed, yet with me all the time. I trawled the…

The Rhinocam Vertex Lets Any Camera Take Medium Format-Style Photos

Fotodiox has announced a nifty new “spin” on taking high-resolution, square-shaped, medium-format-style photos using one of many different interchangeable lens mirrorless cameras. The Rhinocam Vertex lets you easily capture four images in a precise way so that stitching them in post is a breeze. The device works by allowing a medium format lens to connect with mirrorless cameras from Sony…
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Celebrate Mario Day with these apps and stickers on your iPhone

For those not familiar, March 10 is known as Mario Day, because of MAR10, and it’s officially here for 2021. This year, the franchise is also celebrating its 36th anniversary with the Super Nintendo World set to open at Universal Studios in Japan next week. If you love the most famous plumber in the world, there are a few ways to celebrate Mario Day on your iPhone. Super Mario Run Control…
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