Cleantech & EV'sNews

Awesomely Weird Alibaba Electric Vehicle of the Week: I love this hilarious electric car

I have absolutely no idea what I’m looking at, and yet I already know I’m in love with this hilarious little electric car from Alibaba. Last week’s entry in the Awesomely Weird Alibaba Electric Vehicle of the Week may have frightened me, but this week’s little electric car thing tickles that “why don’t I have this in my life?” part of my brain that my wife hasn’t been able to train…
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Google Pixel ad campaign pairs the ease of switching with absolutely random activities [Videos]

Midway through March, Made by Google started the “Switch to the New Google Pixel” ad campaign. These videos posted to YouTube range from two to five minutes, and match the process of setting up a new Pixel (from your old phone) with a random activity. It started with “How to mindfully switch to the New Google Pixel” in March: It’s filled with scenic stock footage, calming sounds, and…
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Apple releases second iOS 14.6 and iPadOS 14.6 RC to developers

The second Release Candidate version of iOS 14.6 is now available to developers. This comes just four days after the company made the first Release Candidate available of the forthcoming update to developers and public beta users. As a reminder, Apple has moved away from the previously-used golden master naming for near-final beta releases. Instead, going forward, the company will use the term…
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Samsung says it will stick to Tizen on TVs instead of Android TV, despite Wear OS adoption

Google and Samsung announced a major collaboration that brought the “best of Tizen” to a revamped Wear OS. While Samsung is saying goodbye to Tizen in its wearables as a whole, the company isn’t ready to move away from the platform in its TVs. Tizen has been Samsung’s platform of choice for TVs for quite some time now, and clearly, it hasn’t been a failed effort, as Samsung’s TV…
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