
A Closer Look at Oppo’s Retractable Smartphone Camera

Last week, Oppo teased that it would be releasing a smartphone that featured a retractable, telescoping camera. While the company has not officially announced it yet, it has revealed more information on the coming device. The company recently hosted its annual Inno Day event where it announced a few new products through the digital experience, including the new MariSilicon X mobile…
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Photos of America’s National Monuments, The Parks Less Traveled

Are you looking for new landscapes away from the crowds and the tripod holes of the national parks? Are you seeking a more adventurous and out-of-the-beaten-path experience? If so, how about a visit to America’s national monuments? The term “national monument” may remind photographers of Lee Friedlander’s influential but quirky book The American Monument, which featured a…
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NASA’s James Webb Telescope to be the ‘Coolest Camera in Space’

NASA’s soon-to-be-launched James Webb Telescope is set to fly into space this month and begin its tasks of collecting infrared light from the distant corners of the cosmos. But to do so, it needs to get very, very cold. The James Webb Telescope is the successor to the Hubble Space Telescope and is the largest space observatory ever made. NASA says it will be the “coolest camera in…
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US Navy Shares Photos of New Laser Weapon in Action

The US Navy has shared photos and videos of a powerful new laser weapon system that it has been testing to take down both drones and small crafts. The latest reddish photos were captured with a special camera equipped with a short wave infrared lens and an optical…

Using a Zeiss 300mm Lens for a Wet Plate Self Portrait Project

Wet plate photographer Markus Hofstätter recently acquired a Zeiss 300mm f/4.5 lens, and although it produced beautiful results, the process of getting to a finished image was filled with numerous obstacles along the way. The Austria-based Hofstätter is not a stranger to DIY solutions when it comes to antique photography equipment. From fixing a solid Linhof tripod that was left in a bad…
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