AI & RoboticsNews

OpenAI adds ‘Read Aloud’ voiceover to ChatGPT, allowing it to speak its outputs

No, it’s not GPT-5, despite rumors to the contrary. Instead, OpenAI answered the arrival of the newly crowned most powerful large language model (LLM) from rival Anthropic today with a minor but potentially useful ChatGPT update for users: voiceover narration for the chatbot’s responses. Also Read: Google Assistant now reads web pages aloud on Android devices Available on the ChatGPT mobile…
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AI & RoboticsNews

Challenges The World Will Face from AI

An AI super powered natural language based chatbot called ChatGPT has been the talk of the tech world since the last few days. Its capabilities are blowing everyone’s mind. And this is genuinely scaring some people. As AI systems like ChatGPT and Stable…