
Methane ‘Super-Emitters’ Mapped by NASA’s New Earth Space Mission

Built to help scientists understand how dust affects climate, the Earth Surface Mineral Dust Source Investigation can also pinpoint emissions of the potent greenhouse gas. NASA’s Earth Surface Mineral Dust Source Investigation (EMIT) mission is mapping the prevalence of key minerals in the planet’s dust-producing deserts – information that will advance our understanding of airborne…
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NASA to Host Briefing on InSight, Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter Findings

. NASA to Host Briefing on InSight, Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter Findings Scientists from two Mars missions will discuss how they combined images and data for a major finding on the Red Planet. NASA will host a virtual media briefing at 2 p.m. EDT (11 a.m. PDT) on Thursday, Oct. 27, to share new scientific findings based on observations from the agency’s…
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Why NASA Is Trying to Crash Land on Mars

Like a car’s crumple zone, the experimental SHIELD lander is designed to absorb a hard impact. NASA has successfully touched down on Mars nine times, relying on cutting-edge parachutes, massive airbags, and jetpacks to set spacecraft safely on the surface. Now…

NASA’s Curiosity Mars Rover Reaches Long-Awaited Salty Region

The rover has arrived at a special region believed to have formed as Mars’ climate was drying. After journeying this summer through a narrow, sand-lined pass, NASA’s Curiosity Mars rover recently arrived in the “sulfate-bearing unit,” a long-sought region of Mount Sharp enriched with salty minerals. Scientists hypothesize that billions of years ago, streams, and ponds left behind the…
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NASA Telescope Takes 12-Year Time-Lapse Movie of Entire Sky

Pictures of the sky can show us cosmic wonders; movies can bring them to life. Movies from NASA’s NEOWISE space telescope are revealing motion and change across the sky. Every six months, NASA’s Near-Earth Object Wide Field Infrared Survey Explorer, or NEOWISE…

NASA’s Mars Mission Shields Up for Tests

Protecting Mars Sample Return spacecraft from micrometeorites requires high-caliber work. Micrometeorites are a potential hazard for any space mission, including NASA’s Mars Sample Return. The tiny rocks can travel up to 50 miles per second. At these speeds, “even dust could cause damage to a spacecraft,” said Bruno Sarli, a NASA engineer at NASA’s Goddard Space Flight…
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