
Getty Photographer Shares A Look Back at 2021 in Photos

Getty photographer Mario Tama shares some of his thoughts and photos that he captured over 2021 that highlight a particularly impactful year as the planet began to emerge from the worst of the COVID-19 pandemic. Tama is a Getty Images staff photographer based in Los Angeles. Mario joined Getty Images in New York in 2001 and has covered key global events including the attacks of…
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Instagram Users Can Now Prevent Others from Embedding Their Photos

After a concerted effort by the American Society of Media Photographers (ASMP) and the National Press Photographer’s Association (NPPA), Instagram has added a new option that will enable users to prevent others from embedding content they post to Instagram. The ASMP has been in contact with Facebook and Instagram executives to address this issue since April and the NPPA for even…
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How to Use Color Grading Panel in Lightroom

The color grading panel in Lightroom offers powerful tools that can completely transform an image. Photographer Kevin Raposo has put together a brief tutorial to show what these tools are capable of. Previously known by Lightroom users as the split toning tab, the…

The Analogue Pocket Can Save Game Boy Camera Photos to a microSD

The Game Boy camera is a cult classic image capture device originally released in 1998 that creators still toy around with to this day. A major block to modern use though is how difficult it can be to access the photos, but that is changing. For those unfamiliar, the Game Boy Camera initially launched back in 1998 for $90 and provided users with a rudimentary digital camera with a 128…
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NASA Spacecraft First to Enter Sun’s Corona, Shoot Photos Up Close

For the first time ever, a spacecraft has touched the sun. NASA has announced that the Parker Solar probe flew through the sun’s upper atmosphere and captured “coronal streamers” up close, something only ever previously seen from afar. The Parker Solar Probe was launched in 2018 to examine the Sun by traveling closer to it than any spacecraft had ever done previously. Three years…
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