AI & RoboticsNews

Researchers open-source state-of-the-art object tracking AI

A team of Microsoft and Huazhong University researchers this week open-sourced an AI object detector — Fair Multi-Object Tracking (FairMOT) — they claim outperforms state-of-the-art models on public data sets at 30 frames per second. If productized, it could benefit industries ranging from elder care to security, and perhaps be used to track the spread of illnesses like COVID-19. As the team…
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AI & RoboticsNews

Google releases SimCLR, an AI framework that can classify images with limited labeled data

A team of Google researchers recently detailed a framework called SimCLR, which improves previous approaches to self-supervised learning, a family of techniques for converting an unsupervised learning problem (i.e., a problem in which AI models train on unlabeled data) into a supervised one by creating labels from unlabeled data sets. In a preprint paper and accompanying blog post, they say that…
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MIT announces Bluetooth breakthrough in coronavirus-tracing app for Android and iOS

MIT and makers of the app Private Kit: Safe Paths say they’ve overcome an Android and iOS interoperability issue that will make the COVID-19 contact tracking app able to track people in close proximity with others using Bluetooth. MIT’s Lincoln Laboratory says it accomplished the feat last week. Currently, Private Kit logs location history using GPS for 28 days. Bluetooth proximity apps record…
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Google launches braille keyboard for Android devices

Google today announced the launch of a virtual braille keyboard for Android that’s designed to enable those with low vision or blindness to type on their phones without additional hardware. The tech giant says it collaborated with braille developers and users to create it, and to ensure it can be used anywhere a user would normally type — including social media, text messaging, and email…
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