
Camera Bits releases Photo Mechanic Plus, a new DAM with an emphasis on speed, efficiency

Camera Bits, the company behind the popular photo ingestion program Photo Mechanic, has released its newest product, Photo Mechanic Plus. This new program features all of the ingestion, code replacement and other features within the standard Photo Mechanic program, but takes it a step further by adding a full-fledged digital asset manager (DAM) for organizing and sorting through your photographs…
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Fujifilm to Unveil Mid-Range Fuji X-S10 with 26MP Sensor and IBIS: Report

Several reports indicate that Fujifilm is preparing to release a new mid-range X-series camera called the Fuji X-S10, which will boast a 26MP X-Trans sensor, 5-axis in-body image stabilization and 4K video capability, all in a smaller and more compact body than the popular Fuji X-T4. The camera has now been rumored and leaked through two different sources: first via Fuji Rumors and now confirmed…
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YouTube’s iOS-style line icons look like they are rolling out on Android

As the world’s biggest video-sharing platform, YouTube goes through almost constant transformation with tweaks, adjustments, and overhauls on an almost yearly basis. The latest looks to be iOS-style line icons within all YouTube menus, sub-menus, sections, and even in the player window. The new icons have already been available on iOS for a few months at this stage, with sharper, precise lines…
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Cleantech & EV'sNews

Wheels’ seated e-scooters merged into Lime’s app as scooter companies team up

As you had probably imagined, dozens of electric scooter companies weren’t going to be able to exist in unison forever. As more companies begin to join forces, the latest news shows Wheels’ seated electric scooters hopping in bed with Lime. Wheels’ electric scooters have a major advantage over Lime’s (and other companies’) electric scooters: they’re seated. That means they look more…
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