
155K Photos in 13 Days: Capturing a 4K ‘Flowmotion’ Hyperlapse of LA

The FilmSpektakel team has just released the fourth installment in their “A Taste of…” series: a set of ‘flowmotion’ style hyperlapses that take you on a roller coaster-like tour of different cities. It started with Austria, then moved to Vienna, covered New York City, and now the team has finally finished and released “A Taste of Los Angeles.” Each “Taste of” film is a tour de…
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Nikon Z6 II Autofocus Test: A Solid Improvement Over the Z6

Wedding and event photographer Taylor Jackson has been shooting with the original Nikon Z6 pretty much since it came to market. So when the Nikon Z6 II came out promising improved autofocus, TWO image processors, better video, and a battery grip, he jumped on it. In the video, Taylor wanted to specifically test out the autofocus: a common (if not entirely fair) complaint about the Nikon Z series…
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Pentax’s New APS-C DSLR Can Hit ISO 1.6 Million, Will Cost Around $2,500

Ricoh has released a new video all about the upcoming Pentax flagship APS-C DSLR that has been slowly revealed over the past year. The camera will be called the Pentax K-3 Mark III (imagine that), and we are finally getting some information about specs and price point beyond just the fact that it has a nice optical viewfinder. To be clear, this is not the official announcement; it is yet another…
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Film Photography Shootout: 35mm vs 120 Film with Fuji 400H

Braedon Flynn from Film Supply Club is back with another film photography shootout. Except this time, instead of comparing two different film stocks (see here), he’s comparing two formats using the same film: 35mm and 120 format Fuji 400H. The video is really less about…

Five Tips for Better Beverage Photos from Steve Giralt

You may know Steve Giralt from his outstanding effects work with his production company The Garage or his in-progress education Kickstarter, but in this 9-minute video, he shows you five tips that promise to make your beverage photos better. Giralt calls himself a visual engineer, which is a person who uses a mix of styling and camera control to make stellar finished images. His five tips are…
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