
Google Pay ‘Spring Challenge’ offers a $30 reward for using the new app

The new Google Pay app made its debut earlier this year, and now, it’s the default option. Now, Google Pay users can join in on a “Spring Challenge” that offers up a reward for some basic actions in the new app. Starting on Monday, April 12, Google Pay users in the United States can participate in the “Spring Challenge.” The promotion is designed to help educate users on how the new…
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Are Black and White-Only Digital Cameras Crazy In This Day and Age?

Twenty years ago, few photographers would have questioned your choosing to go out with black and white film loaded in your camera of choice. Today, when I tell people my digital medium format camera shoots only in monochrome, I am prepared to receive just as much criticism as confusion. Responses typically range from “I didn’t know they made such cameras” to “Why would you limit yourself…
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Jaw-Dropping Video of the Moon Was Shot with Modular Leica DSLR lens

A video showcasing the incredible optical quality of the Leica APO-Telyt-R 400mm f/2.8 lens recently surfaced, and the quality that this lens exhibits (which today retails used for $15,000 used) in 4K video is mind-blowing… especially considering the footage was shot from Earth. Recently shared by Leica Rumors, the video was shot in 2015 and uploaded in 2016 by photographer Markus Stark. He…
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Zenkit Hypernotes intuitively combines note-taking and outlining with new iPhone and Mac app

Zenkit, a popular enterprise app suite, is back with a brand new app today aimed are unifying collaborative note-taking and outlining, and the intuitive function for linking of ideas. Read on to learn more about Zenkit Hypernotes. The addition of Hypernotes to the Zenkit suite aims to fulfill the need to be able to effectively pool the knowledge of all members of the company into a valuable…
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