
Soldier Who Said He Wanted Combat Experience to Kill Black People Booted After FBI Probe

This Jan. 4, 2020, photo shows a sign for Fort Bragg, N.C. (AP Photo/Chris Seward, File) A former paratrooper with the 82nd Airborne Division who has been arrested said he enlisted to become more proficient at killing Black people and made overt references to white supremacy. Spc. Killian Ryan was taken into custody Aug. 26 on a charge related to lying on his secret security clearance and was…
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Canon Confirms It’s Going After Lens Makers for Patent Infringement

In late August, a Viltrox representative told a prospective customer that Canon had told it to stop producing all RF mount products, and while at the time Canon declined to comment, it now confirms that it did so for violations of its patents. A Viltrox representative later confirmed to PetaPixel that it had stopped selling all RF-mount products because it was not authorized to do so by…
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Adobe to Launch a Camera App for Serious Photographers

Adobe is planning to release a new camera app aimed at more “serious” photographers who want to take their smartphone photos to the next level. In an interview with CNET, Marc Levoy, Adobe’s Vice President, said that the planned app will open up new…

Teen Hit by Train on Camera While Shooting Instagram Reel

An Indian teenager shooting an Instagram Reel was hit by a train. The horrifying incident was caught on camera, and although the boy received series injuries, he miraculously survived the accident. The footage shows the teenager walking perilously close to the line as a train was approaching behind him. Not watching the approaching train, the teen unwittingly positions himself directly…
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Hit the pavement: 5 lessons landscape photographers can learn from street photography

Find a new appreciation for landscapes in the noise and movement of the city street. When was the last time you tried something new? When did you last challenge yourself to go beyond what you thought you were capable of? I like my comfort zone as much as the next person, whether that’s ordering the same coffee from the same cafe each morning (a strong flat white, thanks), or listening to the…
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