AI & RoboticsNews

Stanford researchers propose ‘jury learning’ as a way to mitigate bias in AI

Join today’s leading executives online at the Data Summit on March 9th. Register here. Many AI systems today learn from examples — whether images, text, or audio — that have been labeled by human annotators. The labels enable the systems to extrapolate the relationships between the examples (e.g., the link between the caption “black bear” and a photo of a black bear) to data that…
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AI & RoboticsNews

Teaching AI and robotics concepts in business courses

Join today’s leading executives online at the Data Summit on March 9th. Register here. This article was contributed by Charlie Fletcher The business world and the tech world are more inextricable than ever. Every business relies on software and technology to power its endeavors. But technology is rapidly evolving. Just as many retailers are finally adopting an online presence, other…
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AI & RoboticsNews

AI engine exposes online fraud

Join today’s leading executives online at the Data Summit on March 9th. Register here. Allure Security today announced that it has closed a $6.8 million seed funding round. The investment comes amidst surging online fraud —$56 billion in identity theft and $20…

Currents, previously Google+, shutting down next year in favor of Spaces in Gmail/Chat

Google+ shut down in April of 2020 as a social network for consumers, but the product was kept around for businesses that wanted an internal tool to communicate with employees in a post/stream-like manner. Citing low usage, Google is shutting down Currents and replacing it with Spaces in the new integrated Gmail/Chat. Spaces originally started out as “Rooms” but was given a big rename and…
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Google launches Android 13 Developer Preview for Pixel phones

Even as 12L is still in the Beta Program ahead of its Q1 launch, Google today announced the Android 13 Developer Preview. This is now the seventh year that Google is providing an early look at the direction Android is going in the fall. The preview is again getting…

Android 13 DP1: Any app can now offer a Material You-style Themed Icon

Google has shared info on how, starting with Android 13, any app can offer their own Themed Icon to appear in the Pixel Launcher and more. With Android 12, Google launched a “beta” feature for the Pixel Launcher called Themed Icons which gives many of Google’s apps a new monochrome icon suited to your Material You theme. To do this, the Pixel Launcher had a built-in catalog of icons to…
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