
Making a DIY Camera Flash by Reusing a Disposable Camera’s

Recently I bought a film camera from the 1970s, the Canon A-1. Considering that the camera is almost three times older than me, it was no surprise that there are a few issues with it. The first camera I got jammed before I even loaded in my first roll, and the replacement camera had a battery drainage issue (which took an almost complete disassembly to fix). But anyway, that isn’t the point of…
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AI & RoboticsNews

AI datasets are prone to mismanagement, study finds

All the sessions from Transform 2021 are available on-demand now. Watch now. Public datasets like Duke University’s DukeMTMC are often used to train, test, and fine-tune machine learning algorithms that make their way into production, sometimes with controversial results. It’s an open secret that biases in these datasets could negatively impact the predictions made by an algorithm, for…
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iPhone Diary: The rumored iPhone 13 camera improvements seem set to sell it to me

We’ve heard reports now about a bunch of iPhone 13 camera improvements, and assuming that they turn out to be true, I think Apple is going to be selling one to me. I’ve often said that my iPhone is my least-important Apple device. If I had to rank my iDevices by how much they matter to me, my MacBook Pro would top the list, followed by iPad, then iPhone … That in large part reflects my…
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Google Photos adds expanded info menu for Memories collections

One of the best additions to Google Photos in recent years has — somewhat weirdly — been the Memories collections that add a bit of nostalgia to your day. While popular, it’s often hard to get to grips with where an image has come from, but an expanded menu now lets you quickly check all of the details and info of selected Memories within Google Photos. Spotted by the team at Android…
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