AI & RoboticsNews

GTCI: AI offers significant opportunities for emerging markets, but skills are scarce

Will the proliferation of AI and machine learning reinforce the worldwide digital divide? It’s one of the questions the Global Talent Competitiveness Index (GTCI) and Global Cities Talent Competitiveness Index (GCTCI) seek to answer by benchmarking the ability of countries and cities to compete for talent. An answer has historically proven elusive, but the 7th annual reports published by Insead…
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AI & RoboticsNews

IBM’s biology-inspired AI generates hash codes faster than classical approaches

Ever heard of FlyHash? It’s an algorithm inspired by fruit flies’ olfactory circuits that’s been shown to generate hash codes — numeric representations of objects — with superior performance compared with classical algorithms. Unfortunately, because FlyHash uses random projections, it can’t learn from data. To overcome this limitation, researchers at Princeton, the University of San…
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AI & RoboticsNews

IBM unveils Policy Lab, advocates ‘precision regulation’ of AI

During a panel discussion hosted by IBM CEO Ginni Rometty at the World Economic Forum on Wednesday with Siemens CEO Joe Kaeser, White House Deputy Chief of Staff for Policy Coordination Chris Liddell, and OECD Secretary General Angel Gurria, IBM formally announced the IBM Policy Lab, an initiative aimed at providing policymakers with recommendations for emerging problems in technology. The company…
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AI & RoboticsNews

Scoutbee raises $60 million to expedite supplier discovery with AI

Supplier discovery often isn’t a walk in the park. According to a survey by Thomasnet, nearly 50% of buyers have worked with a supplier that unexpectedly went out of business. That’s why in 2015, four German entrepreneurs — Christian Heinrich, Fabian Heinrich, Gregor Stühler, and Lee Galbraith — founded Scoutbee, which develops and sells access to an AI-driven supplier discovery…
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