AI & RoboticsNews

Baidu details its adversarial toolbox for testing robustness of AI models

No matter the claimed robustness of AI and machine learning systems in production, none are immune to adversarial attacks, or techniques that attempt to fool algorithms through malicious input. It’s been shown that generating even small perturbations on images can fool the best of classifiers with high probability. And that’s problematic considering the wide proliferation of the “AI as a…
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AI & RoboticsNews

Lioness AI sex toy can teach you about your orgasms

Lioness has been pioneering sex tech since 2017, but CES 2020 was the first time the company was allowed to exhibit its AI-enabled sex toy at one of the world’s biggest tech shows. The Consumer Technology Association backtracked on its earlier policies and allowed…
AI & RoboticsNews

World Economic Forum launches toolkit to help corporate boards build AI-first companies

The value of building data-driven businesses with AI at their core is well known today, and business executives are rushing to implement the technology into their operations and gain a competitive advantage, but it’s not as simple as creating a data lake and creating AI models. A large number of AI companies attempting to implement more AI models or build AI-first businesses have experienced…
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AI & RoboticsNews

SenseTime’s AI generates realistic deepfake videos

Deepfakes — media that takes a person in an existing image, audio recording, or video and replaces them with someone else’s likeness — are becoming increasingly convincing. In late 2019, researchers at Seoul-based Hyperconnect developed a tool (MarioNETte) that could…
AI & RoboticsNews

Amazon details the AI behind Alexa’s Whisper Mode

In October 2018, months after a brief reveal, Amazon brought Whisper Mode to select third- and first-party Alexa devices. It expanded the feature to all locales in November 2019, such that all smart home appliances powered by Alexa — the company’s virtual assistant —…
AI & RoboticsNews

Meet the new twist on data encryption that promises better privacy and security for AI

Presented by Intel AI and privacy needn’t be mutually exclusive. After a decade in the labs, homomorphic encryption (HE) is emerging as a top way to help protect data privacy in machine learning (ML) and cloud computing. It’s a timely breakthrough: Data from ML is doubling yearly. At the same time, concern about related data privacy and security is growing among industry, professionals and…
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AI & RoboticsNews

Google’s AI language model Reformer can process the entirety of novels

Whether it’s language, music, speech, or video, sequential data isn’t easy for AI and machine learning models to comprehend — particularly when it depends on extensive surrounding context. For instance, if a person or an object disappears from view in a video only to reappear much later, many algorithms will forget how it looked. Researchers at Google set out to solve this with Transformer…
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