AI & RoboticsNews

DeepMind’s MEMO AI solves novel reasoning tasks with less compute

Can AI capture the essence of reasoning — that is, the appreciation of distant relationships among elements distributed across multiple facts or memories? Alphabet subsidiary DeepMind sought to find out in a study published on the preprint server, which proposes an architecture — MEMO — with the capacity to reason over long distances. They say that its two novel components — the…
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AI & RoboticsNews

Amazon details AI that answers questions more reliably

Might natural language models improve in their ability to answer questions on the fly? That’s what a team of Amazon researchers set out to answer in a study scheduled to be presented at the 2020 Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence in New York. They posit a method for adapting models based on Google’s Transformer architecture — which is particularly good at learning…
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AI & RoboticsNews

Aquant raises $30 million for AI that gives customer service agents mission-critical data

Organizational data is often scattered across systems, hidden within text, and locked within the minds of employees. Given the disparate channels, how might this data be unified and delivered to support agents engaged in service calls? Assaf Melochna and Shahar Chen, former colleagues at workforce management and service optimization company ClickSoftware, advocate an AI- and machine learning-based…
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AI & RoboticsNews

Robotic finger can sweat like a human to cool down

Robots can already do lots of things people can including gymnastics, but a new type of soft robot has one of the most human traits of all. Researchers have a developed a finger-like appendage that can break into sweat to prevent overheating, much like we do during hot days…
AI & RoboticsNews

OpsRamp raises $37.5 million to apply AI to DevOps processes

Ever heard of AI for IT management (AIOps)? It’s a burgeoning ecosystem of platforms and products that enhance IT operations by leveraging AI to analyze data collected from various tools and devices. OpsRamp is one of the startups leading the charge in what Research and Markets anticipates will be a $14.3 billion segment by 2025. Raju Chekuri and Varma Kunaparaju cofounded the San Jose…
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