AI & RoboticsNews

New music label says it can use AI to find the next big artist

At this point, artificial intelligence isn’t a new concept to musicians. We’ve seen artists like Björk and Arca use the technology to create new musical arrangements. But a new label called Snafu Records thinks it can also use AI to discover the next big artist long before even the most music-savvy talent scouts find them. Snafu claims its the first “full-service, AI-enabled…
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AI & RoboticsNews

Arm unveils 2 new AI edge computing chips

Semiconductor and software design company Arm is doubling down on edge AI hardware, a market that’s expected to be worth $1.15 billion by 2023. It today announced two new AI-capable processors — the Arm Cortex-M55 and Ethos-U55, a neural processing unit (NPU) —…
AI & RoboticsNews

Facebook buys startup using AI vision to find your location

Facebook might have just acquired a key ingredient for its augmented reality glasses. TechCrunch has discovered a filing indicating that Facebook has bought Scape Technologies, a London-based startup using computer vision to determine your location beyond the capabilities of GPS alone. Its cloud-based “Visual Positioning Service” translates images into 3D maps that deliver a precise…
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AI & RoboticsNews

An AI regulation strategy that could really work

When even the companies developing AI themselves agree with the need for regulation, it is time to stop discussing abstract principles and get down to the business of how to regulate a rapidly advancing technology landscape. It is clear that our regulatory system…
AI & RoboticsNews

AI Weekly: Announcing our AI and security special issue

Whether we’re aware of it or not, both AI and cybersecurity are nearly omnipresent in our daily lives at this point, and together they’re of increasing importance as our world becomes more connected, more “intelligent,” and more reliant on online or automated…
AI & RoboticsNews

MIT CSAIL’s TextFooler generates adversarial text to strengthen natural language models

AI and machine learning algorithms are vulnerable to adversarial samples that have alterations from the originals. That’s especially problematic as natural language models become capable of generating humanlike text, because of their attractiveness to malicious actors who would use them to produce misleading media. In pursuit of a technique that illustrates the extent to which adversarial text…
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AI & RoboticsNews

Amazon researchers distill knowledge from a large AI model to a simplified version

In AI and machine learning systems, knowledge is typically distilled by training a small model — a student — to mimic a large and cumbersome model — a teacher. The idea is to compress the teacher’s knowledge by using its outputs as labels to optimize the student, but there’s no guarantee knowledge will be transferred to the student when the teacher is considerably large. That’s why a…
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