AI & RoboticsNews

Is AI cybersecurity’s salvation or its greatest threat?

This article is part of a VB special issue. Read the full series here: AI and Security. If you’re uncertain whether AI is the best or worst thing to ever happen to cybersecurity, you’re in the same boat as experts watching the dawn of this new era with a mix of excitement and terror. AI’s potential to automate security on a broader scale offers a welcome advantage in the short term. Yet…
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AI & RoboticsNews

AI can be an ally in cybersecurity

Fears surrounding AI and cybersecurity reflect very real risks. AI-powered malware isn’t a threat we need to worry about right now, but attackers have become adept at manipulating AI systems to their own advantage, essentially turning them against users. Widespread…
AI & RoboticsNews

Podcast: Can AI fix broken IoT and smart home security?

Podcast host John Koetsier sat down for an interview with Cujo AI VP Marcio Avillez to discuss the problem of smart device and IoT security and what we can do about it using AI technologies. Can AI help prevent distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks and improve smart home security? Cujo AI says yes. The company recently inked a deal with Comcast to shield almost 20 million households from…
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AI & RoboticsNews

When car and home AI cameras see everything, are we truly more secure?

Twenty years ago, the average person likely owned a single camera, and security cameras inside homes were nearly as rare as they were in cars. But as we enter the 2020s, cameras have become ubiquitous. Most people today have two or more cameras on each smartphone, one or two in each computer and tablet, and at least one — a backup camera — in their car. They may also have doorbell cameras to…
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AI & RoboticsNews

Microsoft’s AI automatically comments on video clips

Generating live video captions with AI could bolster engagement on social media, or serve as a benchmark for the task of translating video to text. Preliminary work to this end has employed encoder-decoder models to generate comments, but they haven’t modeled the…
AI & RoboticsNews

How enterprise is putting conversational AI to work

The market for conversational AI is expected to grow to more than $15 billion by 2024, from $4.2 billion in 2019. And for good reason — the technology is helping enterprises find new value and capabilities. In the enterprise, businesses are leveraging conversational AI for both customer-facing and internal use. According to IBM, companies spend $1.3 trillion to answer 265 billion customer…
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