Cybersecurity threat remediation provider Dtex today announced it has raised $17.5 million. The funds will be used to expand into new and existing verticals, including banking and financial services, critical infrastructure, government, defense, pharmaceuticals, life sciences, and manufacturing.
Dtex differentiates itself in the multi-billion-dollar threat intelligence market with a GDPR-compliant…
In a recent paper, Facebook and University of California, Berkely researchers propose an approach to payload-carrying drone flight planning that “learns how to learn” models of environmental dynamics. Results from experiments suggest the work could inform the development…
Facebook today announced that it plans to cancel its 2020-2021 in-person AI Residency program as a result of the novel coronavirus pandemic. In a statement provided to VentureBeat via email, Facebook vice president of AI Jerome Pesenti said that the decision was motivated by…
Microsoft’s AI ethics committee helped craft internal Department of Defense contract policy, and G20 member nations wouldn’t have passed AI ethics principles if it weren’t for Japanese leadership. That’s according to a case study examining projects at Microsoft, OpenAI, and OECD out this week.
Published Tuesday, the UC Berkeley Center for Long-Term Cybersecurity (CLTC) case study examines…
Runa Capital has closed its third investment fund with $157 million to back startups in deep tech areas such as artificial intelligence and quantum computing.
The firm said Runa Capital Fund III surpassed its target of $135 million. The new capital will allow the company to…
Facebook’s AI detects gender bias in text
May 6, 2020
In a technical paper published this week, Facebook researchers describe a framework that decomposes gender bias in text along several dimensions, which they used to annotate data sets and evaluate gender bias classifiers. If the experimental results are any indication, the…
Presented by PinkLion.AI
“Now that we’re all in this unique situation with COVID-19, do we have an opportunity to do something dramatically different together?” asked Jennifer Bonine, co-founder and CEO of PinkLion.AI, at GamesBeat 2020. “What are some of the new strategies we’re going to leverage in our companies to change the way we’ve been doing things and re-architect how we look…
Mihaela van der Schaar, a Turing Fellow and professor of ML, AI, and health at the University of Cambridge and UCLA, believes that when it comes to applying AI to health care, we need a new way to think about the “complex class of problems” it presents. “We need new…
A team of researchers hailing from Harvard and Université de Montréal today launched, an AI-powered, interactive platform designed to facilitate COVID-19 vaccine development. It’s built atop an algorithm — CAMAP — that generates predictions for…
OpenAI today announced it will begin tracking machine learning models that achieve state-of-the-art efficiency, an effort it believes will help identify candidates for scaling and achieving top overall performance. To kick-start things, the firm published an analysis suggesting that since 2012, the amount of compute needed to train an AI model to the same performance on classifying images in a…