AI & RoboticsNews

What OpenAI and GitHub’s ‘AI pair programmer’ means for the software industry

Where does your enterprise stand on the AI adoption curve? Take our AI survey to find out. OpenAI has once again made the headlines, this time with Copilot, an AI-powered programming tool jointly built with GitHub. Built on top of GPT-3, OpenAI’s famous language model, Copilot is an autocomplete tool that provides relevant (and sometimes lengthy) suggestions as you write code. Copilot is…
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AI & RoboticsNews CEO on training AI-driven personal assistants

Where does your enterprise stand on the AI adoption curve? Take our AI survey to find out.’s digital personal assistant that employs AI to organize a user’s life is expected to enter beta this summer. Known as Charli, this personal assistant promises to do…
AI & RoboticsNews

AI legislation must address bias in algorithmic decision-making systems

Where does your enterprise stand on the AI adoption curve? Take our AI survey to find out. In early June, border officials “quietly deployed” the mobile app CBP One at the U.S.-Mexico border to “streamline the processing” of asylum seekers. While the app will reduce manual data entry and speed up the process, it also relies on controversial facial recognition technologies and stores…
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AI & RoboticsNews

The new world of work: You plus AI

Where does your enterprise stand on the AI adoption curve? Take our AI survey to find out. Emerging technologies meet both advocates and resistance as users weigh the potential benefits with the potential risks. To successfully implement new technologies, we must start…
AI & RoboticsNews

AI Weekly: WHO outlines steps for creating inclusive AI health care systems

Where does your enterprise stand on the AI adoption curve? Take our AI survey to find out. This week, the World Health Organization (WHO) released its first global report on AI in health, along with six guiding principles for design, development, and deployment. The fruit of two years of consultations with WHO-appointed experts, the work cautions against overestimating the benefits of AI while…
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AI & RoboticsNews

Facebook updates Habitat environment to train ’embodied AI’

Where does your enterprise stand on the AI adoption curve? Take our AI survey to find out. In 2019, Facebook open-sourced AI Habitat, a simulator that can train AI systems embodying things like a home robot to operate in environments meant to mimic real-world settings, like apartments and offices. Today Facebook announced that it’s extended the capabilities of Habitat to make it “orders of…
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