Are you such a big Fortnite fan that you can’t bear the thought of having to stop playing to watch the Fortnite World Cup finals? You’re in luck. Epic Games has introduced picture-in-picture streaming as part of the game’s 9.41 update, giving you a way to tune into the esports tournament even while you’re trying for a victory royale of your own. You just have to hit a “watch now” button in the lobby to tune in before launching a match. This probably won’t help your chances of winning in the slightest, but it could be handy if you treat Fortnite as a social space and don’t want to leave your squad to keep up with World Cup happenings.
The rest of the 9.41 update isn’t quite so daring, but there are still notable editions like a Storm Scout Sniper Rifle that will tell you where the Storm will shrink to next, plus Birthday Cake and Birthday Present pick-ups to mark Fortnite‘s second year on the scene. Creative players will have access to movie set prefabs as well as a limited-time Prop Hunt mode for some very sneaky hide-and-seek sessions. There are some significant gameplay tweaks here — it’s just that Epic won’t mind if you sit back and watch someone else play for a while.
Author: Jon Fingas
Source: Engadget
Tags: av, battle royale, epic games, fortnite, fortnite world cup, games, gaming, internet, personal computing, personalcomputing, picture in picture, picture-in-picture, ps4, streaming, video games, xbox one