If you enjoy sending a lot of voice messages on WhatsApp, you’ll be glad to know that the company is working on the ability to pause a voice message and then continue it without the need to record another message or send the one you need to interrupt.
According to always reliable WABetainfo, this feature is currently under development and it’s not available for beta testers yet. Even though, the blog was able to preview it.
In a video, WABetainfo shows a new audio interface for WhatsApp, in which you can press play/pause, start/stop recording a conversation, how long is your message, and the ability to send it. Currently, the only thing you can do is listen to your audio message before sending it.
It’s still unclear when this feature will be available to all users, as it’s not even available to public beta testers, but it shows the team behind the ability to send voice messages is putting a lot of effort into it.
For example, last week, 9to5Mac published that WhatsApp is working to improve voice message player. This feature will allow users to listen to a voice message while leaving a conversation, which means, you can listen to a long audio message for a friend while replying to a family member.

Like the ability to pause the continue a voice message, WABetaInfo says this global voice message player feature is still under development, so it’s not available for the public or even for beta testers, who will need to wait a bit more to try this function.
Recently, WhatsApp started letting beta testers try new functions with the Disappearing Messages feature. According to WABetaInfo, the app lets you choose between different durations: 24 hours, 7 days, or 90 days.
Unfortunately, WhatsApp is not accepting new beta testers but we’ll keep you in the loop on new features coming to the iOS app.
Author: José Adorno
Source: 9TO5Google