
Stunning Drone Photos Capture the Beauty of Ballet from Above

Award-winning drone photographer Brad Walls is back with another beautifully symmetrical photo series that recasts a familiar subject into an aerial perspective. His latest series invites the viewer to experience the beauty of ballet from above. Walls tells PetaPixel that he was originally inspired to explore this subject by Olive Cotton’s famous 1935 image “Teacup Ballet.” He realized that…
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Scientists Photographed Our ‘Galactic Bulge’ Using a Dark Energy Camera

In an effort to research how the center of the Milky Way Galaxy formed what is known as a “galactic bulge,” Scientists used a Dark Energy Camera to survey a portion of the sky and capture a photo of billions of stars. NASA’s Hubblesite describes our galaxy as “shaped like two fried eggs glued back-to-back.” This depiction makes clear the central bulge of stars that sits in the middle…
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The Lensbaby Spark 2.0 is a Bendy, Hose-Like Manual Focus Lens

Lensbaby is known for making unconventional lenses that create unusual defocused areas, and the Spark is no exception. The Spark 2.0 adds support for eight mounts, both DSLR and mirrorless, as well as 15 optics introduced since 2008. The Spark 2.0 draws on the design from Lensbaby’s original lens the company introduced in 2004. The company calls the focusing system “dance-like,” but it’s…
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Why Hiring an Assistant is Better Than Buying a Camera or Lens

Karl Taylor, a photography educator, has published this 10-minute video that explains why hiring an assistant is one of the best investments of capital any photographer who is serious about growing a business can make. Taylor mentions a common statement many photographers say to themselves: “I can’t afford an assistant.” But at the same time, Taylor points out, these photographers do not…
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