
Google Fit gets camera-powered heart rate, respiratory tracking on Pixel 6 [U]

Back in March, Google Fit introduced heart and respiratory rate tracking that uses the Pixel’s camera, and the Pixel 6 is now getting this capability in “early access.”  Update 11/11: The capability looks to already be out of “early access.” At launch, the Pixel 6 and Pixel 6 Pro lacked the camera-based tracking. It has since appeared on just one of our new devices in “Early…
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Chrome for Android tests top banner to replace download, alerts snackbar

While Chrome has been modernized over the years — most recently for Material You, many UI components are quite old. Chrome for Android is now testing a replacement to the snackbar that uses top banner notifications. When downloading a file or image, Chrome for Android has historically made use of a snackbar that includes the file name, open, and closes buttons. The Google browser is now…
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Code suggests Android 12’s wallpaper-based Dynamic Color coming to OnePlus, others

While Material You’s design seems to be exclusive to Pixels for the foreseeable future, the wallpaper-based colors that so many associate with Android 12 may not. Apparently, Google has all but confirmed that Dynamic Color in Android 12 will come to devices from Oppo, OnePlus, Motorola, and more. A code commit spotted first on Twitter by developer Pranav Pandey (h/t Mishaal Rahman) adds a…
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How to check your heart rate with the Google Pixel 6 and 6 Pro

Earlier this week, Google pushed a feature that could check your heart rate on the Pixel 6 and 6 Pro without the use of a smartwatch. By reading the minute details in your index fingertip using the Pixel’s camera, Google Fit can identify your BPM. This allows anyone with a or 6 Pro to check their heart rate on the go in seconds without external hardware. Where to check your heart rate As…
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