
Some Google Maps Local Guides are being offered Google Fi service for free

Google Maps reviews can sometimes earn you perks, and currently, some Local Guides are being offered Google Fi service free of charge. A Google Maps Local Guide is someone who leaves reviews, photos, and further help curate the vast list of places and businesses listed on Google Maps using their own knowledge of the local area. It’s free to become a Local Guide, and it often results in some free…
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Cleantech & EV'sNews

Tesla (TSLA) delivered a record 343,000 electric cars in Q3

Tesla (TSLA) announced that it delivered a record 343,000 electric cars during the third quarter. The automaker also destroyed its previous production. Record and confirmed a change in its end-of-quarter delivery push. Today, Tesla released its delivery and production numbers for the third quarter of 2022. The company confirmed that it beat both its delivery and production records by significant…
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Twitter gives its DMs on the Android app a more modern look

Twitter has started rolling out some changes for its Android app that gives people sliding into DMs a more visually appealing interface. The social network’s Android app has remained largely the same over the years, but this update, while pretty minor, was meant to give users “a smoother, more consistent experience overall.” Twitter says it set to work redesigning its DMs on…
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AI & RoboticsNews

How to choose the right NLP solution

Were you unable to attend Transform 2022? Check out all of the summit sessions in our on-demand library now! Watch here. For decades, enterprises have jury-rigged software designed for structured data when trying to solve unstructured, text-based data problems. Although these solutions performed poorly, there was nothing else. Recently, though, machine learning (ML) has improved significantly…
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