Flipkart has launched the Nokia Purebook X14 laptop in the Indian market. It’s powered by Intel’s Core i5 10210U with UHD 620 integrated graphics. The laptop features a magnesium-aluminum alloy body and weighs just 1.1 KG.
The Purebook X14 comes with a 14-inch IPS LCD with 1920 x 1080-pixel resolution and an HD IR webcam with Windows Hello facial recognition. The backlit keyboard comes with…
Kuo: Apple iPhone 13 series on schedule for September 2021 unveil
December 14, 2020
Apple will return to its regular iPhone announcement schedule in 2021, as per reputable analyst Ming-Chi Kuo.
That means we can expect the iPhone 13 family in full by the end of September 2021. In 2020, due to the ongoing pandemic, Apple pushed the launch of its new iPhones…
Sony Xperia 1 II receiving Android 11 in Taiwan
December 14, 2020
Sony has started seeding Android 11 to its Xperia 1 II smartphones and the first country to get it is Taiwan. The build number is 58.1.A.0.921 and it’s right on schedule because Sony promised the update by the end of December.
We expect the Android 11 update to hit…
Xiaomi Mi 11 tipped to launch on December 29
December 14, 2020
Xiaomi’s upcoming Mi 11 flagship has been leaking left and right in the past weeks and now we might have its actual release date. It was believed to launch in January and then December and now the latest report gives us a specific date – December 29.
This would give Xiaomi the bragging right of having the first Snapdragon 888 announced phone. It remains to be seen if the December 29 date…
Contract manufacturer Wistron has confirmed reports that iPhone assembly was suspended following a riot at its plant in Bangalore, India. Video footage (below) shows people attacking assembly units, smashing windows, overturning cars, and starting a fire. Wistron puts the…
Apple today overhauled the Shazam iOS app with a new look, modernizing the user interface and bringing the design language in line with recent UI updates to Apple Music.
Upon launching the app, the screen is dominated by the central Tap to Shazam button with access to…
My initial plan for an iPhone 12 Pro Max video test was to shoot handheld using the stock camera app. However, given that I’m a video novice – as I will amply demonstrate below – I decided I could use a bit of help. In this case, from the Zhiyun Smooth X gimbal and the FiLMiC Pro app.
While some might object that such a test is unfair, I don’t think it’s unreasonable. Watch absolutely…
2021 iPhones could have ProMotion as well as always-on display
December 14, 2020
A supply-chain report last month raised the possibility of next year’s flagship iPhones having an always-on display, and a follow-up report suggests the same screen technology could also enable ProMotion.
Both reports point to LG offering the same type of OLED panels to…
Google Earth gains a dedicated dark theme
December 14, 2020
The past few years has seen a shift to dark themes on many of the most popular mobile applications all working directly with on-device system themes, the latest being that of Google Earth.
Dark themes have become a big deal in part due to the ability to toggle the mode…
Android 11 begins rolling out for Sony Xperia 1 II
December 14, 2020
After confirming the official Android 11 road map in recent weeks, Sony has now set the ball rolling with the OS upgrade now heading out for Xperia 1 II devices.
As previously detailed, the Android 11 update for Sony Xperia 1 II — and other Xperia devices — is set to bring a number of software improvements and benefits including Chat bubbles, a native screen recorder, audio selection, power…