
iPhone 11 Pro and Pro Max hands-on: More cameras, more fun

Today’s Apple demo room felt like more of a madhouse than usual, and the clear star of the day so far has been the iPhone 11 Pro. Among other things, the Pro represents the biggest shift to the iPhone’s branding since the 4S kicked off a multi-year naming trend. There’s much more to this phone than just a name change, though. It might not seem like the most exciting step forward from devices like the iPhone XS and XS Max, but there are a few things here that really help the flesh-out the iPhone formula.

It’s hard to get a sense for how well something really works when you’re pressed up again five or six other people trying to get their hands on the same devices. (It’s even trickier when Tim Cook sets up shop behind you for a chat with Anthony Davis and Karlie Kloss.) Because of that, it’s difficult to test some of Apple’s claims. Sure, the OLED display used the Pros look great — they’re very bright and super-saturated without looking downright wrong — but the differences between these and the screens we got last year can be subtle at times.

It was also tough to get a feel for the A13 Bionic chipset — I tried a handful of Apple Arcade games, all of which looked great and ran beautifully. And I didn’t notice any slowdown as I leapt from app to app and generally tried to throw the Pro and Pro Max for a loop. Of course, these were all apps Apple specifically chose to put on their demo devices; of course they all worked well. Someone would probably get canned if they didn’t. Suffice to say though, the time I spent with the Pro and Pro Max left me with the impression that there’s very little they couldn’t handle with ease.

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Author: Chris Velazco
Source: Engadget
apple, gear, hands-on, iphone, iphone 11 pro, iphone 11 pro max, iphoneevent2019, mobile

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