
Minecraft Education is perfectly suited for this surreal back-to-school moment

When the pandemic hit this spring, a lot of teachers turned to Minecraft during their mad scramble for tools that could make remote learning work. Earlier this year, Microsoft added an “education” section to the Minecraft marketplace, and since March, 63 million pieces of content have been downloaded. While Minecraft: Education Edition isn’t new, its digital nature makes it an almost ideal…
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Epic to host a #FreeFortnite tournament with anti-Apple prizes

Fortnite-maker Epic Games and Apple are currently embroiled in a public battle over Apple’s App Store policies, and in the latest move in the dispute, Epic has announced a Fortnite tournament taking place August 23rd where players can compete to win anti-Apple prizes. Last…

Ubisoft will showcase 13 indie game studios at virtual Gamescom

Ubisoft said it will showcase 13 indie game studios at the virtual Gamescom event through its Ubisoft Entrepreneurs program. Gamescom normally draws hundreds of thousands of visitors to Cologne, Germany, but this year the audience will be all virtual. Gamescom takes place from August 27 to August 30, and the 13 indie game studios from Canada and Germany will be on display at the Indie Arena Booth…
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March Gaming Fund debuts with $60 million for game startups

March Capital has launched its March Gaming Fund with $60 million to invest in game startups. The fund is headed by managing director Gregory Milken, who has been responsible for most of March Capital’s investments in game companies since the fund originally started in…

With titles like Battletoads and Grounded, Xbox Game Pass is inching closer to becoming like Netflix

You probably know the feeling: you set out to find something new on Netflix, but end up spending more time browsing than actually watching. There’s just so much there that it can be hard to make a choice. Recently I’ve been having the same issue every time I turn on my Xbox. Game Pass, Microsoft’s subscription service, is much like Netflix and other video streaming services in that, for a…
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Twitch star Timthetatman finally won a game of Fall Guys

While the world writhes in the clutches of a seemingly never-ending wave of chaos, one Twitch streamer’s heartwarming struggle to win a game of the new battle royale sensation Fall Guys is a story we can all happily rally around. Timothy “TimTheTatMan” Betar, a…

Activision confirms Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War reveal coming August 26

Activision released a video dubbed “Know Your History” that confirms that the revelation of Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War is coming on August 26. The company released the video after fans uncovered the bread crumbs leading to it inside the current battle royale game Call of Duty: Warzone. It’s not exactly a secret. Doritos accidentally leaked information about the next game, corroborating…
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