AI & RoboticsNews

Amazon taps AI to discover why customers buy seemingly irrelevant products

Why do customers buy products seemingly irrelevant to their web and voice assistant searches? That’s a good question — and one a team of Amazon researchers sought to answer in a study scheduled to be presented at the upcoming ACM Web Search and Data Mining conference in February. In the report, they say their analyses — which looked at purchases and “engagements,” the latter defined as…
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AI & RoboticsNews

KeyMe raises $35 million to duplicate keys with AI

Normally, duplicating a key would require an expensive trip to the locksmith, but New York-based KeyMe — which was founded in 2012 by Greg Marsh, former director of finance at auto tech company Aperia Technologies — hopes to change the paradigm with a network of…

GitHub launches Android app in beta

GitHub is releasing an Android app in beta today for developers to collaborate together on the go. The GitHub mobile app allows users to address or merge pull requests, file an issue, check and clear notifications, join discussions, and quickly find out when they’re…

Microsoft ends support for Windows 7: What you need to know

Microsoft’s support for Windows 7 ends today. This is by design: Microsoft provides at least a decade of support for its operating systems, split into two distinct types. Windows 7, the successor to Windows Vista, hit RTM status on July 22, 2009 and general availability on October 22, 2009. Microsoft thus supported Windows 7 for just over its minimum 10 years. That includes a service pack (in…
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Trump lambasts Apple’s encryption stance on Pensacola iPhones

(Reuters) — President Donald Trump lashed out at Apple Inc on Tuesday, castigating the iPhone maker for what he said was its refusal to unlock phones used by criminals while benefiting from government help on trade. Trump’s tweet came amid the investigation into the…

Super League Gaming partners with Chinese cinema company Wanda Media

Super League Gaming is making a big push into China with its new deal with Chinese media conglomerate Wanda Media, a subsidiary Wanda Cinema Games. This partnership will bring live, competitive gaming to over 700 movie theaters that Wanda owns in China. This will let Super League Gaming take advantage of the growing gaming market in China, which Niko Partners expects to be worth $41.5 billion by…
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Trump’s attorney general asks Apple to unlock a shooter’s iPhones

Attorney General William Barr today requested Apple’s help in unlocking two iPhones connected to last month’s shooting at a Pensacola naval base, and said that Apple has provided no “substantive assistance” unlocking the phones. The FBI requested Apple’s help unlocking the same phones last week. In his remarks today, Barr said that the FBI had received court authorization to search both…
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