Cleantech & EV'sNews

Tesla Autobidder is now managing over 1.2 GWh of energy storage

Autobidder, Tesla’s “cutting-edge” AI software to manage energy storage projects, is now managing over 1.2 GWh of energy capacity, according to a Tesla executive. Last year, Electrek spotted a previously unknown new product from Tesla: Autobidder. It’s a real-time trading and control platform for energy assets, like Tesla’s Powerpacks, Powerwalls, and Megapacks, optimized…
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Google cutting Play Store commission to 15% on first $1 million in revenue for all Android devs

Google announced today that it will be reducing the commission it takes from Android developers that distribute paid applications and offer in-app purchases through the Play Store. The service fee on the first $1 million (USD) in revenue every year will be lowered from 30% to 15%. The reduced service fee will start on July 1, 2021, with Google noting how “99% of developers globally that sell…
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Making the Case for Prime Lenses in Landscape Photography

One of the unavoidable truths about being an artistic creator is that you’ll undoubtedly and inevitably hit a rut. As is the case with landscape photography, that wall hit me after I realized that all of my photos started to look the same, even when the locations varied.

Debunking the Outrageous Claims Made by the Starscope Monocular Lens

The StarScope Monocular is advertised as both a hand-held scope and incredible zoom lens for smartphones accompanied by some rather unbelievable performance claims. Krazy Ken of YouTube Channel Computer Clan first looks at the ads and dissects the promises before putting the scope to the test himself. To say the claims put forth by the Starscope Monocular marketing team are far-fetched is a bit…
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Ep. 341: Big Cameras. Big, Big Cameras – and more

 Episode 341 of the PetaPixel Photography Podcast. Download MP3 …
Cleantech & EV'sNews

Quick Charge Podcast: March 15, 2021

Listen to a recap of the top stories of the day from Electrek. Quick Charge is available now on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, TuneIn and our RSS feed for Overcast and other podcast players. New episodes of Quick Charge are recorded Monday through Thursday and again on Saturday. Subscribe to our podcast in Apple Podcast or your favorite podcast player to guarantee new episodes are delivered as…
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