AI & RoboticsNews

Google to shore up Vertex AI’s enterprise credentials with addition of Mistral Small, Large and Codestral models

Google is adding more third-party models to its AI platform to give enterprise customers more freedom when building apps. Days after integrating Anthropic’s Claude 3.5 Sonnet to Vertex AI, Google revealed that it will be adding support for Mistral Small, Mistral Large, and Mistral Codestral this July. Developers will be able to access them through the Vertex AI Model Garden. To enhance its…
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AI & RoboticsNews

Time Magazine partners with OpenAI and ElevenLabs

Time Magazine, the iconic red-bordered former news weekly founded 101-years ago by print magnate Henry Luce (who also founded Fortune and Life), appears to be diving headfirst into the generative AI age with partnerships with major AI startups OpenAI and ElevenLabs announced today. First up, Time is partnering with OpenAI, creator of ChatGPT and the underlying GPT-4o and GPT series of models, as…
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AI & RoboticsNews

Nvidia gets the glory, but Supermicro is the unsung hero of the AI revolution (learn more at VB Transform)

Surfing the waves that Nvidia’s kicking up comes Supermicro, a company that’s long had much of its destiny (and stock prices) tied to the fortunes of the chip making giant. Data centers need server rack solutions; processors need to be mounted. In the middle, Supermicro is making bank. This last quarter, its revenue shot up 200% over last year. Analysts are breathlessly predicting that the…
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AI & RoboticsNews

Is AI bullshit? Here’s how to find out

Even as tech leaders and visionaries such as Bill Gates, Reid Hoffman, Sundar Pichai, Mark Zuckerberg, Jodi Baxter, Debashree D. and others have attested to the potential generative AI has to remake the world, ordinary users have proven more skeptical. In addition, OpenAI…
AI & RoboticsNews

Meet Maxim, an end-to-end evaluation platform to solve AI quality issues

Enterprises are bullish on the prospects of generative AI. They are investing billions of dollars in the space and building various applications (from chatbots to search tools) targeting different use cases. Almost every major enterprise has some gen AI play in the works. But, here’s the thing, committing to AI and actually deploying it to production are two very different things. Today, Maxim…
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