AI & RoboticsNews

AI knitting system designs and creates garments

If you’ve ever wanted a custom bobble hat but your knitting skills aren’t up to par, let the robots do it. Researchers at MIT’s Computer Science & Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (CSAIL) have developed a computer-aided knitting system which can automate the design and manufacture of knitted garments. Even non expert knitters can use the system to create individual designs…
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AI & RoboticsNews

AI and automation are making office life easier

AI and automation have revolutionized the manufacturing sector with robots working alongside humans on factory floors. Now, those same sorts of technologies are beginning to find their way into corporate offices and are rapidly changing the way we conduct business. That…
AI & RoboticsNews

'AI Bar' system makes sure patrons are served in the right order

There are two kinds of people in this world. Those that queue patiently at the bar for their drinks because they recognize their place in the great order of things, and those that elbow their way to the front and jump the queue because they’re massive jerks. If you’re the latter, I see you, pal. And now, thanks to AI, so does the bartender. British data science company DataSparQ has…
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AI & RoboticsNews

Google Assistant finally comes to Dish's receivers

It only took half a year, but Dish’s receivers are finally ready to work with Google Assistant. The satellite TV provider has started rolling out an update for Hoppers that lets you use the voice remote to check the weather, control your smart home and, of course…
AI & RoboticsNews

Facing your AI self at the 'Neural Mirror' art installation

Italian design studio Ultravioletto has created a mirror that lets you see yourself the way corporations see you: as a collection of data points. At first, the Neural Mirror installation (located at a former church in the Italian city of Spoleto), seems like an ordinary mirror. But after you’ve been duly scanned and processed (with the system estimating your age, sex and emotional state)…
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AI & RoboticsNews

Facebook opens up its AI tool to OpenStreetMap users

Plugging a new address into your smartphone’s map app can show you where to go in seconds. But in places like rural Bangladesh and Indonesia, there are millions of miles of roads that are still uncharted territory. Facebook now hopes its AI technology will make it…
AI & RoboticsNews

Microsoft invests $1 billion in Elon Musk-founded OpenAI

Today, Microsoft announced that it’s investing $1 billion in the Elon Musk-founded company OpenAI. The two companies will work together to bring supercomputing technologies and AI to Microsoft Azure. And OpenAI will run its services exclusively in Microsoft’s cloud. Ultimately, the partners hope to build artificial general intelligence (AGI), a technology that some say will match or…
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