AI & RoboticsNews

Facebook’s AI uses schemas to teach robots to manipulate objects in less than 10 hours of training

How might a two-armed robot go about accomplishing a task like opening a bottle? Invariably, it’ll need to hold the bottle’s base with one hand while grasping the cap with the other and twisting it off. That high-level sequence of steps is what’s known as a schema, and it’s thankfully uninfluenced by objects’ geometric and spatial states. As an added bonus, unlike reinforcement learning…
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AI & RoboticsNews

How to operationalize AI ethics

Last week, I moderated a panel at TWIMLcon about how teams and organizations can operationalize responsible AI that combined perspectives from three people from different corners of the tech and AI community. Rachel Thomas is best known as cofounder of, a popular…
AI & RoboticsNews

AI in messaging: Hard to solve, but full of promise

There is a huge whitespace waiting to be filled by the tech companies that recognize the power and potential of messaging. Roughly 63% of people prefer to share information on “dark social,” or closed, private messaging environments like Facebook Messenger and WhatsApp. However, the experience on these platforms remains painfully circuitous. In order to share a single piece of content within…
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AI & RoboticsNews

Osmo and Disney create AI-based children’s drawing app for Frozen 2

Osmo and Disney are unveiling Super Studio Frozen 2, a drawing app that uses artificial intelligence and Disney characters. The learning application is part of the promotional activity arriving in advance of the November 22 debut of Frozen 2, the sequel to the 2013 animated film Frozen that generated $1.2 billion at the box office. Osmo previously launched Osmo Super Studio in 2018 with themes…
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AI & RoboticsNews

Apple’s Deep Fusion hands-on: AI sharpens photos like HDR fixes colors

Digital photographers coined the term “pixel peepers” years ago to denote — mostly with scorn — people who focused on flaws in the individual dots that create photos rather than the entirety of the images. Zooming in to 100%, it was said, is nothing but a recipe for perpetual disappointment; instead, judge each camera by the overall quality of the photo it takes, and don’t get too mired…
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