AI & RoboticsNews

Google AI’s ALBERT claims top spot in multiple NLP performance benchmarks

Researchers from Google AI (formerly Google Research) and Toyota Technological Institute of Chicago have created ALBERT, an AI model that achieves state-of-the-art results that exceed human performance. ALBERT now claims first place on major NLP performance leaderboards for benchmarks like GLUE and SQuAD 2.0, and high RACE performance score. On the Stanford Question Answering Dataset benchmark…
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AI & RoboticsNews

Google Assistant voice controls come to Xbox One

When it launched alongside, one of the Xbox One’s main selling points was voice control, delivered via an upgraded Kinect unit. Kinect was quickly phased out, though, and Alexa and Cortana voice controls eventually served as a replacement. Now, Google Assistant users…
AI & RoboticsNews

Alibaba unveils its own AI chip for cloud computing

Apparently, Huawei isn’t the only Chinese mega-corporation that was developing its own AI chip. Alibaba has unveiled an in-house-designed AI chip called the Hanguang 800 a month after Huawei launched the Ascend 910. The company, mostly known for its e-commerce business, said the chip could significantly cut down on the time needed to finish machine learning tasks. For example: Alibaba-owned…
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AI & RoboticsNews

MegaBots calls it quits, puts battle robots on eBay

The era of giant battle robots appears to be over… although you might have a chance to bring it back. MegaBots has gone bankrupt after once again running out of money, and it’s auctioning its 16-foot-tall Eagle Prime robot on eBay as part of the shutdown.
AI & RoboticsNews

Boston Dynamics’ Atlas robot is now a gymnast

The latest footage from Boston Dynamics is, unsurprisingly, both impressive and terrifying. Over the past few years we’ve seen Atlas navigate uneven terrain and even jump around a parkour course. This is on another level, though. The bipedal robot does a handstand, rolls around and even does a few jumping twists — all without losing its balance. A new workflow helps Atlas pull off…
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AI & RoboticsNews

A 4G flip phone with Google Assistant is coming to the US

Dumb phones are getting smarter. Last year Nokia showed us what was possible in a feature phone with its 8110 4G, now Alcatel is leveraging the same operating system, Kai, to launch a 4G flip phone with Google Assistant integration, as well as apps such as WhatsApp and YouTube. The Go Flip 3 (on T-Mobile and Metro by T-Mobile) and the SmartFlip (on AT&T and Cricket Wireless) come with all the…
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