AI & RoboticsNews

The actionable insights AI can unlock from consumer conversation

“We’re interested in using AI to understand what’s happening in customer conversations at a high level,” says Chris Hausler, Senior Data Science Manager, Zendesk. “The AI understands the patterns that emerge, and does it in a way that’s a lot more scalable than what an individual human could gain by reading through all of them.” Reviews, support ticketing, and chat are great ways of…
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AI & RoboticsNews

Coralogix raises $10 million to apply AI to software logs

Canvasing software logs is tricky business when you’re juggling multiple dev environments. About 50% of logging statements don’t include any information about critical things like variable state at the time of an error, according to GitHub and OverOps surveys, which is…
AI & RoboticsNews

Pricefx raises $25.3 million to optimize prices with AI

It’s not easy for corporations to price their goods and services appropriately, but getting pricing right is critically important to their success. According to a McKinsey & Company report, a 1% price increase translates to an 8.7% increase in operating profits on…
AI & RoboticsNews

Google Assistant ambient mode turns some phones into smart displays

After first teasing it in September, Google has detailed exactly how its new Assistant ambient mode will work on smartphones. The idea is to make your phone more useful by while it’s charging by letting you see Google photo images, play music, control your smart home devices and more. The feature started rolling out to Nokia and Xiaomi devices last week, and will come to Sony and an OEM…
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AI & RoboticsNews

Amazon researchers use NLP data set to improve Alexa’s answers

Improving the quality of voice assistants’ responses to questions is of interest to tech giants like Google, Apple, and Microsoft, who seek to address shortfalls in their respective natural language processing (NLP) technologies. They’ve plenty in the way of motivation — more than 50% of U.S. smart speaker owners say they ask questions of their devices, according to a survey conducted last…
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AI & RoboticsNews

AI determines how much help Shakespeare had writing a play

Many believe that Shakespeare had help writing at least some of his plays, but to what extent? AI might have an answer. Czech researcher Petr Plecháč has developed a machine learning system that determined which portions of Henry VIII were likely written by Shakespeare’s contemporary (and long-suspected collaborator) John Fletcher. The approach trained an algorithm to recognize the…
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