AI & RoboticsNews

Resemble AI launches voice synthesis platform and deepfake detection tool

AI and machine learning are powerful tools for the synthesis of speech. As countless studies have demonstrated, only a few minutes — and in the case of state-of-the-art models, a few seconds — are required to imitate a subject’s prosody and intonation with precision. Baidu’s latest Deep Voice service can clone a voice with just 3.7 seconds of audio samples, for example, and a recently…
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AI & RoboticsNews

Gecko Robotics raises $40 million for industrial inspection robots

Industrial robotics startup Gecko Robotics has raised $40 million in a series B round of funding led by Drive Capital, with participation from Peter Thiel’s Founders Fund, Y Combinator, and Next47. Notable angel investors in this round include Mark Cuban, SoftBank senior managing partner Deep Nishar, and Gusto CEO Josh Reeves. Founded out of Pittsburgh in 2016, Gecko Robotics develops several…
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AI & RoboticsNews

3 keys to moving toward white-box, explainable AI (VB Live)

Presented by Dataiku White-box AI boosts transparency, creates more collaborative data science, and improves trust within businesses and with customers — and it’s getting a lot of attention. Join this VB Live event to learn how, and why, businesses need to move away from black-box systems to more explainable AI. Register here for free. Black box AI went viral recently, when David Heinmeier…
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AI & RoboticsNews

Intel acquires AI chip startup Habana Labs for $2 billion

In a clear signal of its ambitions for the $91.18 billion AI chip market, Intel this morning announced that it has acquired Habana Labs, an Israel-based developer of programmable deep learning accelerators for data centers. The deal is worth approximately $2 billion, and Intel says it’ll strengthen its AI strategy as Habana begins to sample its proprietary silicon to customers. Habana will…
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