AI & RoboticsNews

Researchers want to use Mega Man 2 to evaluate AI

Games have long served as a training ground for AI algorithms, and not without good reason. Games — particularly video games — provide challenging environments against which to benchmark autonomous systems. In 2013, a team of researchers introduced the Arcade Learning Environment, a collection of over 55 Atari 2600 games designed to test a broad range of AI techniques. More recently, San…
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AI & RoboticsNews

AI year in review: Opportunities grow, but ethics loom large

VentureBeat is excited to announce VB Transform 2020, to be held July 15-16 in San Francisco, California. Register now for an early bird 40% discount. Artificial intelligence garnered a lot of attention from the usual players — governments, tech giants, and academics — throughout 2019. But it was also a big year for business AI, with even more growth expected ahead. In a March KPMG survey…
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AI & RoboticsNews

Tencent details how its MOBA-playing AI system beats 99.81% of human opponents

In August, Tencent announced it had developed an AI system capable of defeating teams of pros in a five-on-five match in Honor of Kings (or Arena of Valor, depending on the region). This was a noteworthy achievement — Honor of Kings occupies the video game subgenre known as multiplayer online battle arena games (MOBAs), which are incomplete information games in the sense that players are unaware…
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AI & RoboticsNews

AI has a privacy problem, but these techniques could fix it

Artificial intelligence promises to transform — and indeed, has already transformed — entire industries, from civic planning and health care to cybersecurity. But privacy remains an unsolved challenge in the industry, particularly where compliance and regulation are concerned. Recent controversies put the problem into sharp relief. The Royal Free London NHS Foundation Trust, a division of the…
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