AI & RoboticsNews

Intel uses AI and satellite imagery to help the Red Cross map vulnerable locales

Five years ago, the American Red Cross, the British Red Cross, the Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team, and Doctors Without Borders kicked off the Missing Maps project, a humanitarian endeavor that aims to preemptively map parts of the world vulnerable to conflicts, natural disasters, and disease epidemics. So far, its cartographers have contributed data on towns and cities in countries such as South…
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AI & RoboticsNews

Audi’s ‘empathetic’ AI:Me is about relaxing while commuting

Commuting is the worst part of driving. It’s a stress-inducing piece of hell that many of us endure on a daily basis. Audi aims to eliminate that stress with a tiny self-driving car that takes you on a virtual journey while you’re sitting in gridlock. The AI:Me (pronounced Amy) is the automaker’s “empathetic mobility partner.” With level-4 abilities, the…
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AI & RoboticsNews

3 steps to implement ethics in AI for competitive advantage in 2020

Presented by Hypergiant Every major company and government deploying AI at scale has publicly declared some form of statement on ethics in AI and articulated a set of guiding principles.  In fact, Harvard’s Berkman Center for Internet & Society has launched a project to catalog all of these statements. While statements of ethics in AI are public, how ethics in AI is being implemented is…
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AI & RoboticsNews

The Lioness 2 vibrator adds AI-assisted orgasms to its feature set

In 2018, the Lioness Generation 1 vibrator promised to improve users’ orgasms through detailed data collection. Two years later, Lioness has unveiled the Generation 2, a new vibrator that implements more than 30,000 climactic data points to deliver AI-driven guidance on your own experience. The Generation 2 doesn’t only rely on big data to make suggestions — like the original…
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