AI & RoboticsNews

Launch your product at Transform 2020 — The AI event for enterprise decision makers

VentureBeat’s Tech Showcase is back at Transform 2020: Accelerating your business with AI, July 15-16 in San Francisco. We’re on the lookout for disruptive AI companies of all sizes that are ready to present their tech on the main stage. Those selected to present will do so in front of hundreds of industry decision makers. Every presenter will receive coverage from VentureBeat, placing your…
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AI & RoboticsNews

ProBeat: Why Google is really calling for AI regulation

On Sunday, the Financial Times published an op-ed penned by Sundar Pichai titled “Why Google thinks we need to regulate AI.” Whether he wrote it himself or merely signed off on it, Pichai clearly wants the world to know that as the CEO of Alphabet and Google, he believes AI is too important not to be regulated. He has concerns about the potential negative consequences of AI, and like any…
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AI & RoboticsNews

Boston Dynamics gives its robot dog a developer SDK

Now that Spot is more clever and polite, Boston Dynamics is ready to set it free. The Softbank-owned robotics company announced that it’s making Spot’s SDK available to anyone who wants it via GitHub, starting today. The release will allow developers and even non-traditional roboticists “develop custom applications that enable Spot to do useful tasks across a wide range of…
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AI & RoboticsNews

Bjork and an AI collaborated on an eerie soundtrack for a hotel lobby

I sat in the lobby of the Sister City hotel in downtown New York, laying back on a comfy couch, breathing as deeply as I could. Bjork stayed here for a month last year. I thought that, maybe If I breathed hard enough, I could absorb some of her essence. It’s a surprisingly unassuming setting for Kórsafn, the “generative audio experience” the Icelandic musician created in…
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