AI & RoboticsNews

Coralogix raises $25 million to parse software logs with AI

Coralogix, which analyzes software logs with AI, today announced $25 million in new funding and launched a real-time analytics solution that allows customers to pay according to data priority instead of volume. This allows them to get queries, alerts, and machine learning capabilities without using storage. About 50% of logging statements don’t include any information about critical things like…
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AI & RoboticsNews

Boston Dynamics' robot dog takes an 'evening stroll' in Canada

Last week a lot of people got their first taste of an in-the-wild encounter between organic human life and one of Boston Dynamics’ advanced robots. In Northern Ontario, Canada @bloodtear noticed the Spot robot walking down the street and had an encounter that wouldn’t have been odd if it had been with a real dog instead of a robot copy. everyone yelling telling me he is not cute and will…
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AI & RoboticsNews

Cogniac raises $10 million for AI that spots visual changes for industrial and government uses

Cogniac, a startup developing technology for visual task automation, today raised $10 million. CEO Chuck Myers says the funds will be put toward hiring staff, expanding sales and marketing, and supporting the company’s growth. Tasks in manufacturing, one of Cogniac’s key markets, can be error-prone when humans are in the loop. A study from Vanson Bourne found that 23% of all unplanned downtime…
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AI & RoboticsNews

Facebook’s Dynabench aims to make AI models more robust through distributed human workers

Facebook today introduced Dynabench, a platform for AI data collection and benchmarking that uses humans and models “in the loop” to create challenging test data sets. Leveraging a technique called dynamic adversarial data collection, Dynabench measures how easily humans can fool AI, which Facebook believes is a better indicator of a model’s quality than current benchmarks provide. A number…
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