AI & RoboticsNews

This AI system learned to understand videos by watching YouTube

Elevate your enterprise data technology and strategy at Transform 2021. Humans understand events in the world contextually, performing what’s called multimodal reasoning across time to make inferences about the past, present, and future. Given text and an image that seems innocuous when considered separately — e.g., “Look how many people love you” and a picture of a barren desert —…
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AI & RoboticsNews

Can we afford AI?

Elevate your enterprise data technology and strategy at Transform 2021. Of all the concerns surrounding artificial intelligence these days — and no, I don’t mean evil robot overlords, but more mundane things like job replacement and security — perhaps none is more…
AI & RoboticsNews

Lack of AI implementation may have cost enterprises $4.26T, Signal AI finds

Elevate your enterprise data technology and strategy at Transform 2021. AI’s potential impact on the U.S. economy could reach into the trillions of dollars, according to a report published this week. Signal AI, which offers a decision augmentation platform infused with AI, interviewed 1,000 C-suite executives in the U.S. for the study. The report found 85% of respondents estimate upwards of…
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AI & RoboticsNews

The pandemic led to ‘significant’ increase in AI adoption across manufacturing, survey finds

Elevate your enterprise data technology and strategy at Transform 2021. New research from Google Cloud and The Harris Poll reveals that the pandemic led to a significant increase in AI use across manufacturers. According to a survey of senior executives at over 1,000 companies, two-thirds of manufacturers that use AI in their day-to-day operations report that their reliance on AI is increasing…
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AI & RoboticsNews

How AI and mosquito sex parties can save the world

Elevate your enterprise data technology and strategy at Transform 2021. has raised a $3 million seed round to fight mosquitoes with mosquitoes — and AI-based sex sorting. Jerusalem-based has figured out a way to use AI to fight the growing threat…
AI & RoboticsNews

Google used reinforcement learning to design next-gen AI accelerator chips

Elevate your enterprise data technology and strategy at Transform 2021. In a preprint paper published a year ago, scientists at Google Research including Google AI lead Jeff Dean described an AI-based approach to chip design that could learn from past experience and improve over time, becoming better at generating architectures for unseen components. They claimed it completed designs in under…
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